Friday 29 July 2011


Telomeres:Dr. David Keefe of the Florida Underground (a fertility doctor and one of my former partner at Yale) presented data on telomeres and their role in reproductive aging. The telomere is a piece of repetitive DNA (precisely the same small sequence over and over again) that do not code for proteins. There is a cap on the end of the chromosome. Human DNA replication is tricky, since the enzymes that copy DNA copy can not be at the very end of the DNA strand. The body protects itself by these telomeres, protective system is non-coding DNA at the end. Unfortunately, as these cells divide cap lost.The problem stopping this treatment will begin to get: the same enzymes to repair the cell when they switched to lead to the excessive development of cancer. To this effective treatment need to be a scientist, the enzymes on and off or on in a controlled manner into the situation. All this is possible.

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